Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine’s Day: 
14 Things We DON’T Love About Servers

14.  Ignoring a Mistake
Mistakes happen.  You press a wrong button, the kitchen is behind, or a bartender is backed up.  In case you’re wondering, I did notice.  I’ll be quite forgiving if I hear an apology, and if appropriate, you comp a glass of wine or dessert for me.   

13.  Not Bringing Fresh Silverware
If my silverware is dirty and on a dish you’re picking up, PICK IT UP.  It’s not like you’re the one who is washing it. 

12.  Failing to Recognize Regulars
I don’t need a lot of attention (I’m lying) but a simple smile or “welcome back” goes a long way. 

11.  Not Picking Up the Check Promptly
When I put my credit card down, assume I’m ready to leave even if I’m not (see #5).

10.  Not Checking in After Food has Been Delivered
My steak may suck, it may be awesome.  If it sucks, I wanna ask you for a side of béarnaise to make it better.

9.  I haven’t tried that…”
Epic Fail. 

8.  Claiming to Love Everything on the Menu
Every dish is not the best dish you’ve ever had.  If I want your opinion, give it to me straight. 

7.  Talking to Other Staff Members When I Need Something
Yeah, you just slept with Matt the bartender and that is hot news, but I have needs too.

6.  Constantly Upselling
If it’s not my birthday or I didn’t get promoted today.  I may not want to spend a month’s rent on dinner.   Please don’t make me feel guilty for not adding the lobster tail to my steak.

5.  Not Refilling Water and Coffee After I’ve paid
“Hello…I’m still here…I might even come back.”

4.  Having to Ask if There are Specials
If there are specials, I want to know. Period. 
*Gold star if you also tell me how much the specials cost.

3.  Courses Coming Out on Top of Each Other
It’s not a race.  Under no circumstances do I want to see my main course before I’ve finished my salad. 

2.  Letting My Glass Go Empty
Hands down, the easiest and most obvious problem to solve as a server, likewise the most neglected. 

1.  Dropping the Check Before Asking if I Need Anything Else
I might be about to order a Louis XIII (okay, usually it’s a coffee).  If you drop the check too soon, you’ll never know.